Meaning of (आच्छादित करना) achchhadit karna in english

As noun : cladding Ex:  Modern ammunition has hardened leadcore with a softer outer cladding or jacket
face Ex:  He lacks courage to face the audience. enwrap mantle Ex:  A mantle cleft in the shell impresses a groove in the shell wrap Ex:  Please wrap the package up in pretty paper . veil Ex:  A veil of sadness covered his face
As verb : strew Ex:  Mother scolded the kids when they strew the paper on the floor. sheathe Ex:  The order was given to the squadron sheathe envelop Ex:  The flap of the envelop has come unstuck. shade Ex:  Birds do not have sweat glands but they may cool themselves by moving to shade enclose Ex:  By analogy, in terms of Architecture, The cage of a staircase, space between the walls that enclose a staircase enfold
Other : to clad superpose to cover Ex:  The robber failed to cover his tracks . conjure up Ex:  All I could do was to conjure up happy memeories . clad Ex:  deep hole dug by human hands, usually clad in stone, and that it has to draw water which is at a depth drape Ex:  Why dont you drape curtains over the doors? blanket Ex:  She drew the blanket over the sleeping baby . cover Ex:  The robber failed to cover his tracks .
Suggested : to wrap or envelop in something to put (a sword, dagger, etc) into a sheath the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin to let fall in separate pieces or particles over a surface scatter or sprinkle the act or process of bonding one metal to another, usually to protect the inner metal from corrosion
Exampleआच्छादित करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आच्छादित करना) achchhadit karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aachChaadita karanaa

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